Day 1 – Los Angeles

Today, Jack’s Corner is at aisle 48 on flight VA7 to LAX.

Day 1.

Vereen. To you the name will mean nothing, but to us it meant a deflating start to out 2 month adventure.

The self heralded “driver to the celebrities” loved to name drop, but not as much as he loved to rip off unsuspecting tourists. Swindling us into paying $305 from the airport to our hostel.

Blame it on the jet lag, blame it on our naivety, blame it on the mid-flight VB’s. It doesn’t matter, this was not an ideal start, but on the bright side: at least it was all up from here!

After settling into our Hollywood Hostel we decided to explore our neighbourhood. In one word it was overwhelming. The streets around us in Hollywood Boulevard are lined with homeless folk, street performers and salesman. Occasionally you might even see a homeless-street performing-salesman.

Countless fast food options scatter the Walk of Fame and endless souvenir shops stock everything from LA Lakers shirts to patriotic lingerie.

Later in the night we headed out for Thanksgiving to watch the NFL and eat some Turkey. Except we replaced the Turkey with beer and decided to consume that instead.

In true American fashion we finished up back at the hostel with some beer pong that went early into the morning.

Stayed tuned to see what’s around the corner!
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