This edition of Jack’s Corner comes to you from the corner of the Friends set at Warner Bros. Studios.
Firstly, I apologise for the infrequency of these blog posts. I have well and truly set into holiday mode.
Looking back on the trip thus far it has been a roller coaster ride. We’ve experienced the highs of seeing some amazing sights, meeting great people and drinking great beer (and red wine) but we’ve also experienced the lows of hideous hangovers, champagne on our shirts and of course, Vereen (see previous blog).
Hostel life is crazy. I’ve never partied this much in my life. Probably because I never got invited to parties. Each morning we say that we will take it easy and have an early night but without fail there is always a pub crawl, beer pong match or cheap beer deal that gets the better of us. As a result our earliest night so far has been 2am.
But this hasn’t stopped us from getting up in the morning – after a whip from Wardo – and seeing the sites of the Land of the Free/Home of the Brave. Where we’ve hiked up to the Hollywood Sign, cycled along Venice beach on a tandem bike in the rain, driven along Pacific Highway 1 (America’s answer to the Great Ocean Road) and heaps more.
We are now in San Francisco. As far as cities go, it is a mile (1.6 km) better than Los Angeles. The McDonalds and IHOPs (International House of Pancakes) we were used to in LA have been replaced by cool delis and cafes. The city is a lot less spread out too here in SF, which makes getting around a whole lot easier.
In saying this however I must confess that I did get wildly lost at 1am this morning as I tried to make it back to the hostel after a few too many Bud Lights.
But you know who else got lost? The Golden Gate Bridge, amongst the famed fog of San Francisco. Here is my artists impression of what I imagine it to resemble:
Anyway, I’ve got a pub crawl to get to.
I promise the next blog will not be so late. Probably.